

HOW TO BECOME A DATA ANALYST? Data is the new oil of the modern era. In the world of the internet, it's strenuous to keep a vet on  your data privacy. Every organisation crystal clearly relies on the data to make respective business decisions- which new products to develop , customer base , time slot of investment etc. In almost all business firms , the job of the data analyst is to assign a numerical figure to all these significant business decisions which eventually results in the growth of the company.  In the universe of technology, data has all the answers but the fulcrum is hitting the spot question And this is the job of Data Analyst. A data analyst collects, processes and performs statistical analysis on large datasets.  One of the core reasons why everyone is jumping onto the field of data is that they are highly paid. Now let’s focus on the  point of the article!!! Descriptive analytics examines what happened in the past: Monthly revenue, quarterly sales, y...


With the aid and advancement of technology, we have witnessed it's application spreading across all domains and spheres of life. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning , IOT , Blockchain are considered as the next big thing in the world of technology and the same applies for Deep Learning. From snapchat filtering to image-voice recognition, and from medical image processing to stock market prediction, all these are the use cases of Deep Learning.  Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning are some of the buzzwords which hovers in everyone’s mind these days. Well,  you might know all these are interconnected but lets jump on to exact essence of the each: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE:   AI implies getting  a computer to mimic human behavior in some way. MACHINE LEARNING:ML is a subset of AI and it consists of the techniques that enables computers to figure things out from the data and deliver AI applications. DEEP LEARNING: Deep Learning is a subse...


What is front-end development? Front end vs back end The website’s  front end  is everything you see and can interact with using a browser. So, creating this visual part is called front-end development. You could even say that designers creating user interfaces and planning experiences are also front-end developers, as they are working in collaboration on the same part of the project. To create the front end, engineers use the combination of HTML (for basic page structure and content), CSS (for visual editing), and JavaScript (for making websites interactive). The same set of tools is used to create  progressive web apps  –  mobile apps that look and feel like a native one but are created with the use of front-end technologies. There’s more about that in the linked article. On the other hand, the  back end  is everything that happens, well, backstage. It contains servers where your web pages are located and the underlying logic that governs the...


We are living and leading in the world of world of Internet where’s there is always a threat to privacy and security of the users. With the advent and advancement of technology , Blockchain has also spread its wings across all domains and spheres of life.                                The blockchain is a distributed database of records of all transactions or digital event that have been executed and shared among participating parties. HISTORY: Blockchain technology has been uncovered and unravelled   when a person or a group of individuals,v.i.z, Satoshi Nakamoto’ published a white paper on “BitCoin: A peer to peer electronic cash system” in 2008. Blockchain. Blockchain initially came into light in the year of 1991 when Stuart Halber and W Scott Stornetta described cryptographically secured chain of blocks. It was fo...


We are living and leading in a world of internet where security and privacy is the most common issue which prevails. BLOCKCHAIN is one of the recent and hot technology which everyone is craving and have craze for. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN; Blockchain is essentially TYPES; Although scores and volley of types are possible but majorly, it is classified into 1- PUBLIC BLOCKCHAIN 2-PRIVATE BLOCKCHAIN Although the above mentioned are self explanatory, but to understand the nitty-gritty of it , one can go hard for it MAIN PRINCIPLE; The principle of HASHING is used in Blockchain in which you have key-value pair The principle involved behind Blockchain is ENCRYPTION-DECRYPTION. For instance- A sends a node  to B  , B on the receiving end will decrypt the node and will read the given block. FEATURES: SECURITY Blockchain is considered as highly secure in the world of technology as it peer-to-peer and decentralised unlike centralised servers. CONFIDENTIALITY; The b...


MERN Stack MERN Stack:  MERN Stack is a Javascript Stack that is used for easier and faster deployment of full-stack web applications. MERN Stack consists of four(4) technologies namely:  MongoDB ,  Express ,  React  and  Node.js.  It is designed and created yo make the development work more creative,constructive and productive. MERN STACK aids in working with real time project and  end-to-end projects. Its one of the core domain of Web Development. Getting started:  First, create a new project folder. Then go to the project folder in command prompt/terminal and type below command to initialize a package.json file. (Make sure npm is installed) npm init A normal package.json file looks like this: Note:  Based on your requirements, you can install modules(by typing in  npm install module_name –save ) which will show up in package.json file. Getting to know MERN Stack components: MongoDB: Cross-platfor...