
Showing posts from September, 2019


Planning is significantly in life. Three students explored the whole city of Bombay and finally at the end of the day, they realised that the horror of exam is approaching.....with their intelligent and highly canny brain, they derived the idea of deprivation. On the next day, with their clothes full of shabbiness aided with proper amount of greese and blacky soot. They claimed that meanwhile they were coming back from a place back to the college, they encountered with a  tire burst accident .. The Dean acceptance the gean .... And asked them to appear for the exam. Three students went to write the exam and the Dean asked them to sit in different rooms for the exam. The question paper was of 100 marks ::: 1- NAME(10 MARKS)??? 2-WHICH TIRE GOT BURSTED?? (90 MARKS)? -FRONT LEFT -FRONT RIGHT -BACK LEFT -BACK RIGHT πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ All of their answers were mismatching.... Implication which can be drawn from here is PLANNING IS SIGNIFICANT IN LIFE....


Blockchain is definitely one of the most ingenius tehnology in the world.. different people can give different prospetives about it. It is definitely the Next BIG THING in the world of technology. In simple terms, BLOCK CHAIN is "time stamped series of immutable record of data which is managed by cluster of computers. Each of the blocks are secured and bound. EXPLANATION OF BLOCK CHAIN WITH AN EXAMPLE: Sujal and his four other friends went for a dinner. After the dinner, it was the time to pay the bills. Now, to resist a state of chaos and confusions regarding the sharing of the bill, Sujal decided to pay the bill on the spot and with mutual understanding, all agreed to pay him back later. Now, while transferring , Virat was able to transfer the money bit the other person was able to. REASONS MAY BE: 1) MAX CASH LIMITED EXCEEDED 2) NETWORK ISSUE 3)!!!!!!!! OOOOOPSSSS!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I forgotπŸ˜›πŸ˜› Here, BL...


STORY OF A STUDENT IN DAYANDASAGAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING- Life is all about high and lows. Some take it as a stepping stone to scintillating success and some take it as a stone to stop. It's highly fair and square----- DO OR DIE PERFORM OR PERISH THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE. In the nascent days, that student was subjected to clubs which were essentially non technical. Listening to some of the viruses from other colleges (viruses are his friends tho from other colleges in Bangalore!say, BMSCE N RVCE in Bangalore),his heart sanked and melted with huge disappointments volley of times. In fact, he started lampooning his lcollege based on initial judgment.(generally he don't judge people,he reads people  .And this how the VICIOUS TRAP OF REACTING RATHER THAN RESPONDING HITS AND KILLS YOU. The clubs which were their on initial days were CPA which included Emcee, Literary Society and many other dancing and singing clubs. Out of which he was tempte...


WOMEN'S SAFETY is by far one of the most alarming issue. Such draconian and swingeing acts are unacceptable. BY READING THE CAUSES OF WOMEN'S SAFETY, I FEEL THE ROOT OF CAUSE SHOULD BE ELIMINATED BY ENSUING SOLUTIONS TO CURB THESE CASES 1) RULE OF LAW SHOULD BE STRINGENT- The well structured laws on Constitution should be applied with strictness and stringetness. Democracy provides you a room of improvement but when the situation cross Lakshman Rekha, one should act against the culprit with harshness, just like Arab countries. Change in mindset of the people is a must. All stereotypical affairs of considering WOMEN as an inferior clat should be changed.  Everything starts from home. Child should be taught in his/her regarding : -RESPECTING THE OPINION OF WOMEN -EQUALITY OF GENDER. 2) ALL EDUCATIONAL BOARDS SHOULD INCLUDE CHILD ABUSE AS A SUBJECT IN THEIR CURRICULUM: This should be made a compulsory subject in all educational boards. Students should be properly tra...